From In-House Impact Tool to Commercial Product

ClientNational Government, Local Authorities, Businesses, Universities and Community Groups

Making better, more sustainable decisions

ACT created a sustainability management software to help us discover, communicate and improve our environmental, social, economic and governance impact.

What was firstly an in-house solution to our own challenge quickly became a solution that has helped others with the same challenge. Now it’s used from national government to local community groups.

Accelerating Action is a spinoff from ACT that helps all manner of public, private and third sector organisations across the island of Ireland make better, more sustainable decisions in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

A small snapshot of some of the impact we’ve had:

•    Ireland's government use the software to report their SDG progress to the UN, improve the country's national Climate Action Plan and support their SDG Champions programme.
•    County Councils including Mayo, Offaly, Laois and Clare as well as Derry City & Strabane District Council in Northern Ireland use the software to improve their local Climate Action Plans. 
•    Universities such as Queen's University Belfast used it to train their placement students, ATU Sligo to assess and improve their modules and the University of Galway business school gave the software to their 80 staff members to assess their teaching and research and used the results to create a SDG showcase website.
•    Dublin community groups have used it as a straightforward way to demonstrate the collective impact of their local initiatives.

“I found the process very straightforward… it was even enjoyable!”
— County Council Climate Officer

Find out more here.


Simple steps to unlock impact